Crown Soybean Dehulling

Crown Soybean Dehulling

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New or used, we can find it for you! After cleaning, the beans enter the Crown Whole Bean Aspirator to remove loose hulls and field dust. The beans then enter the Crown Vertical Seed Conditioner ‘VSC’ to condition the beans by a slow heating process raising the temperature of the bean. As the bean temperature rises, the moisture of the bean migrates to the surface allowing the patented Crown Aspiration System to remove the moisture, drying the beans and softening the hulls. After the beans are properly conditioned in the VSC they enter the patented Crown Jet Dryer which uses re-circulated and injected hot air to shrink the hull, releasing the hull/meat bond. After the Jet Dryer the beans enter the Crown Hulloosenator® which uses a steel corrugated roll to split the beans in half and a rubber coated roll to “scuff” the bean, separating the hulls from the meats along with minimizing the amount of fines. The half beans and loose hulls then enter the Crown Cascade Dryer ‘CCD’. In the CCD, the half beans and hulls cascade downward releasing even more hulls. Re-circulated countercurrent heated air will lift the hulls separating the two products.


Stock NumberN009101